AWS DevOps Interview Questions
DevOps is the leading essential course in the present generation because of many job openings and the high salary pay for the certified professionals.The following are the top AWS DevOps Interview Questions and answers, designed by our experienced trainers.We are here to give support for the students by providing Interview Questions of AWS DevOps and answers for them, that helped for job placements.In this blog post we are going to cover most frequently asked aws devops interview questions and answers.
AWS DevOps Interview Questions for Beginners:
1. Describe Aws Code Deploy ?
It is used to automate the code deployments for any instance, which includes the instances of Amazon EC2 and the servers of on-premises. Aws code deployment makes it simple for us with rapid release of latest features, it helps us in avoiding the downtime while the application deployment is going on, and also handles the complexity of our applications update.
2. Define Aws Code Star In Devops?
This enables us to simply build the applications that are deployed on AWS devops. It offers the interface of a unified customer, which enables us to simply manage our activities of software development in the same place. With the help of AWS Code Star, we are able to set up our complete tool chain of continuous in minutes, and allows us to start the code faster.
3. What is the use of Instacart in Aws Devops?
AWS Code Deploy uses the instacart for the automation of deployments to its services like front-end and back-end. By using the AWS Code Deploy, we can enable Instacart for the developers, which helps them to focus on products and be worry less regarding the operations of deployment.
4. How To Handle Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery In Aws Devops?
The Developer Tools of the aws are used to store and version our application’s source code safely and to build automatically, test, and to deploy our application to AWS and our on premises environment. To build a continuous integration or continuous delivery workflow with AWS CodePipeline, which uses AWS Code Build, AWS Code Deploy, and other tools and uses each service separately.
5. Explain The Relation Between Instance And Ami?
It is a kind of template, which contains a software configuration such as an operating system, an application server, applications, etc. by using an AMI, we can launch an instance, that is a copy of the AMI running as a virtual server in the cloud. We may launch various kinds of instances from a single AMI, and an instance type determines the hardware of the host computer, which is used for our instance. Each and every type of instance provides different compute and memory capabilities
6. List Out the Various Deployment Models For Cloud?
- Private Cloud
- Public Cloud
- Hybrid Clouds
7. Mention various Components Used In Aws?
Components which are used in AWS are.
- Amazon S3: This is used to retrieve the sets of input data that are involved in making cloud architecture and used in the output data sets storage which is the result of the input.
- Amazon SQS: used in buffering requests, which is received by the controller of Amazon. And this is the component that is helped in communication between various controllers.
- Amazon Simpledb: This is helpful to store intermediate status log and to tasks which are performed by the customer
- Amazon EC2: This is for running a large distributed processing on the Hadoop cluster. And offer automatic parallelization and job scheduling.
8. What is the use of Buffer In Amazon Web Services?
It is used to make the system more resilient to bursts of traffic and to load by synchronizing various components. Those components always receive and process the requests in an unbalanced way. It maintains the balance between various components and makes them work at the same speed to offer faster services.
9. Make a comparison Between Scalability And Elasticity?
The Scalability is the ability of a system that increases the workload on its current hardware resources used to handle the variability in demand. Elasticity is the ability of a system, which helps to increase the workload on its present and additional hardware resources, and used to enable the businesses that meet demand without investing in infrastructure up-front.

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10. Define Auto-scaling? And How Does It Work?
It is a feature of AWS, that permits us to configure and automatically provision and to spin up the new instances without the requirement for our intervention. We may do this by setting thresholds and metrics for monitoring. When those thresholds are crossed, our choosing of a new instance will be spun up, configured, and rolled into the load balancer pool. Then we have scaled horizontally without any operator intervention.
It is an incredible feature of AWS and cloud virtualization. It Spin up a new larger instance than the one we are presently running. And Pause that instance and detach the root ebs volume from the server and discard. Later stop our live instance, detach its root volume. the unique device ID and attach that root volume to our new server, and start it again. We have scaled vertically in-place
11. Explain what elastic Block Storage is?
Elastic block storage is a virtualized SAN or the storage area network. Amazon EBS offers the persistence block level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances. Its volumes are highly available and reliable storage volumes, which may be attached for any running instance that is in the same Availability Zone.
12. Describe about Quick Sight In Aws Devops?
This is a fast and cloud-powered business analytics service, which is used to make it simple to build the visualizations, and also helps to perform the analysis of ad-hoc, it shortly gets business insights from our data.
13. Define Aws Lambda ?
It lets us run the code without any help from servers provisioning and managing. By using Lambda, we may virtually run the code for any kind of application or for any service of backend, which has zero administration. It uploads our code and It maintains everything which is needed to run and scale our highly available code.
14. What is the use of Instacart in Aws Devops?
The use Instacart AWS Code Deploy to automate the deployments for all of its services like front-end and back-end. With the help of AWS Code Deploy, we can enable Instacart developers which helps to focus on their product and worry less about the deployment of the operations.
AWS DevOps Interview Questions for Intermediate:
1. Define the Amazon Machine Image?
It is One of the most frequently asked AWS DevOps Interview questions, which interviewers ask and they relate to Amazon Machine Image. It is basically a snapshot of the root filesystem and provides information that is necessary to launch an ‘instance.’ Its instance is a virtual server in the cloud computing environment.
2. What is the process of building a hybrid cloud?
In numerous ways to build a hybrid cloud, a standard way of building a hybrid cloud is to design a Virtual Private Network tunnel between the cloud VPN and the network on premise. The Direct Connect of AWS may bypass the public internet and be used to establish a secure connection between the VPN and the private data center.
3. Explain how we will handle revision control?
In order to handle the revision control, it is essential to first post on GitHub or SourceForge. It will ensure that it can be seen by everyone. Except from this, we may also post the checklist from the clear last revision. This will make sure that if any unresolved cases exist, they can be resolved simply.
4. Make a comparison between classic automation and orchestration?
The Classic automation encompasses the automation of software installation as well as system configuration such as user creation and security baselining. The orchestration process focuses on the connection as well as the interaction of existing and providing services.
5. Describe Code Commit ?
It refers to a ‘fully managed’ service of source control, which makes it simple for organizations for secured hosts as well as private Git repositories which are extremely scalable. It may eliminate the need for operating one’s control system of its own source. Except this, we do not have to worry about the scaling of the infrastructure. We may use it for securely storing anything they are like the source code and the binaries.
6. Mention some of the important advantages of AWS Code Build.
The AWS Code Build in AWS DevOps, which refers to a completely managed service of built, it helps to run the tests and assembles source code. Instead of this, this has the potential to generate software packages which may be readily deployed. When users have AWS Code Build, they are not required for the provision, to manage, and also to scale their servers of build.
7. Briefly explain Code Commit in AWS DevOps?
The Code Commit may eliminate the need of operating one’s own source control system. Except this, we do not have to worry about the scaling of the infrastructure. We may use it for securely storing anything they are like the source code, the binaries, etc.
8. What is your idea about the AWS CloudFormation in AWS DevOps?
The AWS CloudFormation in AWS DevOps refers to a service, which offers a simpler and easier way for businesses and developers. It is able to build a collection of related AWS resources. In addition to this the businesses and developers are able to provide these elements in a predictable and orderly manner.
9. Describe the Microservices in AWS DevOps?
The architecture of Microservices is a design approach that is used for building a single application as a series of small services. Each and Every service runs in its own process. Instead of this, it communicates with other services by using a well-established interface utilizing a lightweight mechanism. Regularly, an HTTP-based application programming interface is used.
10. How can IaC be implemented by using AWS?
The Infrastructure as Code has brought about the changes transformational, in the DevOps arena. This basically enables developers to write, test as well as to maintain the infrastructure entities. That is basically done in a descriptive manner, which is the use of formats like YAML, JSON is common. IAC implementation provides simple development along with faster deployment of the infrastructure alterations.

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11. Describe the concept “Infrastructure as Code”
The ‘Infrastructure as Code’ is a practice where code and software development techniques are used to help in provisioning and managing the infrastructure. The Common examples contain the Continuous Integration and Version Control. Its API-model of the cloud enables system administrators and developers to interact with the infrastructure programmatically.
12. Explain VPC Peering?
The VPC Peering connection, that refers to a network connection between two Virtual Private Clouds. This is basically used to route the traffic between them by making the use of private IP addresses. Its instances in VPCs are able to interact with one another when they exist within the same network. The connection of VPC Peering may help users by facilitating data transfer
13. Define Continuous Delivery in AWS DevOps?
Continuous Delivery is a practice of software development, where codes are built automatically. In addition, the testing and the preparation of these codes are done for their release to production. When addressing AWS DevOps Interview questions, they revolve around CD, this is essential to remember that it revolves around CI. The CD expands upon the CI concept by deploying all the code changes to testing the production environment, it is done after the build stage.
14. Mention the core components of AWS DevOps?
Important components of AWS DevOps are like
- Continuous Testing
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Feedback
- Continuous Development
- Continuous Deployment
- Continuous Monitoring
- Continuous Monitoring
AWS DevOps Interview Questions for Experienced:
1. Describe a build project.
This is used to describe the process of how to run a build in a Code Build, that includes information like how to identify the right place for source code, how to use the environment of build, which build commands used to run it, and where the output of build is stored. The build environment is nothing but the combination of the operating system, runtime of the programming language, and the tools, which is helped to run a build by CodeBuild.
2. What is the process to configure a build project ?
It may be configured by using console or through the CLI of AWS. We can modify the repository location of the source, and the environment of runtime , commands of the build, and also the role of IAM, which is created through the container, and the class of compute needed for the build to run. It is optional that we can identify the commands of build with the help of buildspec.yml file.
3. What are the programming frameworks that CodeBuild supports in DevOps?
It offers the preconfigured environments that are helped for assisted versions, they are like Java, Python, Ruby, Go, Android,Node.js and Docker. We may also customize our environment through designing an image of Docker and then uploading it to the EC2 of Amazon Container Registry and the hub registry of Docker. Then We may then refer to that image of custom in the project of build.
4. When a build is run in CodeBuild of Devops, what happens?
It is used to design a provisional container of the compute class, that is defined in a project of built, and it is helped to load it through the use of environment of specified runtime , the source code download, which is used to the commands execution that are projects configuration, also to uploading of the artifact which is generated for an S3 bucket, and then it is also used to destroy the container of the compute. While the build, CodeBuild streams, the output of the build for the service console and also the CloudWatch Logs of Amazon.
5. Explain how to use CodeBuild of aws devops with Jenkins?
The plugin of CodeBuild for Jenkins may help with the codebuilt integration for Jenkins jobs of Jenkins. jobs of the built are delivered to the CodeBuild, and also for the provisioning need elimination and for Jenkins worker nodes management.
6. List out some kinds of applications and how we can build by using AWS CodeStar?
The CodeStar may be helpful for creating the web applications, services, etc. those web applications run on EC2 of Amazon, and Beanstalk of aws elastic or the AWS Lambda. templates of projects are available in various programming languages such as Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python etc.
7. In what way the AWS CodeStar users relate to IAM users?
The users of CodeStar are IAM customers, the CodeStar managed it to offer access policies which are role based and pre-built across our environment of development. As the users of CodeStar are built on it, we may even get the advantages of the administrative IAM. When we involve an existing IAM customer to the project of a CodeStar, and the global account policies exist in IAM which are enforced.
8. Can we work on my AWS projects of CodeStar directly from an IDE?
Yes. Through downloading the AWS Toolkit, which is used by Visual Studio, it gave us the ability to simply configure the environment of our local development and work with the Projects of codestar. When we installed, developers may then choose it from the available list of projects related to CodeStar and they maintain their automatic tooling of development, within its IDE the colne is configured and source code of their projects are checked out.
9. How can we debug the failure of the past built in AWS CodeBuild?
We can debug a build by inspecting the detailed logs that are generated during the build run.
10. How to add, remove or change customers for our AWS CodeStar projects?
We can add, change or remove customers for projects of our CodeStar through the “Team” section of the CodeStar console. We may select to grant the users Owner, Contributor or permissions of the viewer, we may also remove users or change their roles at any time.
11. Are there any third party integrations which we may use with AWS CodeStar?
The CodeStar of AWS works with Atlassian JIRA used to integrate issue management with our projects.
12. Describe AWS CloudFormation in AWS Devops?
The AWS CloudFormation is a kind of service which provides developers and businesses a simple way to design a collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.
13. Define the AWS DevOps Continuous Integration?
The aws continuous integration is the practice of a software development, where the developers generally unit their changes of code into the central repository, after which the automated builds and tests are run. Important goals of continuous integration, helped to find and address the bugs quicker, which helped to develop the software quality, and to decrease the time it takes to validate and release new software updates.
14. What is the process to set up our first build in CodeBuild in AWS Devops?
The Sign in to the AWS Management Console, to design a build project, and then run a build.
15. mention which source repositories does CodeBuild support in AWS Devops?
The CodeBuild may connect to AWS CodeCommit, S3, and GitHub to pull source code for builds.
16. Explain Amazon QuickSight in AWS Devops?
It is a fast and cloud powered business analytics service, which makes it simple to build the visualizations, to perform the analysis of ad-hoc, and to quickly get business insights from our data.
17. Describe the role of a DevOps engineer?
There’s no formal career track for a DevOps engineer, they either be developers, they get interested in deployment and the operations of network, or sysadmins who have a goal of scripting and coding, which moves into the development side where they may develop the planning of test and deployment.
18. Explain DevOps Tooling by AWS?
It provides services, which help us to use DevOps practices at our company and that are built first for use with AWS. tools of automation, that are used for manual tasks, which help teams to manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps.
While growing as a DevOps engineer, it is essential to have an in-depth insight into tools and processes. The interview questions and answers presented above will surely help you to get a holistic knowledge of the concepts and help you to crack the interview panel confidently.
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